About Realtors

What is the role of your Real Estate Agent with regards to your home inspection?

But first, some background.

The home inspection business is a strange industry because home inspectors have little control over our businesses.  This is the only industry that we know of where companies market to people who don’t pay them. Those people that we market to are called Realtors, and while the great majority of home inspectors market to those Realtors, it is Clients like you who pay for our services.

When a buyer purchases a house using a Realtor, someone pays that Realtor. Indirectly, it was the buyer (you) through a higher price on the home purchased. That higher price pays the commissions for both the seller’s Realtor and the buyer’s Realtor. 

Talk candidly and frankly with your Realtor.  Make sure that they know that you, the Client, are in control the the process.  Make sure that your Realtor knows that you know that they are licensed by the State of Alaska for certain duties and that you want Professional Home Inspector, licensed by the State of Alaska, to perform your inspection.  You would be in real bad straights if you had your home inspector prepare a sales contract on a house for you.  Likewise, you would also be hurting yourself if you allowed your Realtor to inspect or direct the inspection of the house you are thinking of buying.

Good Realtors do their jobs well.  Good Home Inspectors also do their jobs well.  Make sure that you know that you are hiring both!

And if, for some reason, you are unhappy with the home inspection we did for you, please contact us. Your unhappiness doesn’t do either you or us any good.